Client Testimonials

Client Name: Hayden Lee
Location: Bristol, UK.
Fitness Goals: Increase Strength, Increase Muscle Size, Improve Physique.
Services Used: 1:to:1 PT, SGPT, Online Training.
Previous Gym Experience: No Gym Experience


Hayden started training with us at CT Performance UK with the aim of increasing his muscle strength, muscle mass, and improving his general physique. 

When ‘H’ started training with us, he was a complete newbie to the gym scene having no previous experience with weight-training. Hayden’s fitness background stemmed from team sports including Football and American Football, which allowed him to inherit good levels of general fitness alongside the skills that were vital in his efficient development such as determination, commitment, and accountability.

H started training with us in 2019, and despite the intermittent gym lockdown periods between 2020 and 2021, H was able to rapidly work towards his goals and successfully achieve the initial targets that he discussed with us during his consultation. 

With the regular training and education we provided H during his 1:to:1 and SGPT sessions with us, H incorporated a consistent training schedule into his lifestyle and continues to push on the gym floor to reach higher levels of performance!


Here’s What Hayden Had To Say About His Experience With CT Performance UK…

“I started with CT Performance UK back in 2019 wanting to build on my physique and strength. Since the start, I have seen massive improvements and progression in my ability - but I have also received a lot more understanding and confidence within the training that is provided through these detailed 1:to:1's. Within 6 months, I was beating targets I never even thought I would, and I was motivated to hit personal bests (PB’s) every session. 3 years on, and I'm still beating targets while following CTPUK’s online training programs. Each training program includes detailed sessions to ensure variety, utilising different pieces of equipment to reach your highest potential. Anyone who is looking for motivation, and wants to be their best should contact CT Performance UK!”